Samsung MicroSDHC EVO Class 10 (48MB/s) with SDHC Adapter - MB-MP 32GB-MB-MP32DA Class 10 - No Color -
Samsung MicroSDHC EVO Class 10 (48MB/s) with SDHC Adapter - MB-MP 32GB-MB-MP32DA Class 10 - No Color
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Gambar produk Samsung MicroSDHC EVO Class 10 (48MB/s) with SDHC Adapter - MB-MP 32GB-MB-MP32DA Class 10

Samsung MicroSDHC EVO Class 10 (48MB/s) with SDHC Adapter - MB-MP 32GB-MB-MP32DA Class 10 - No Color

4 Ulasan
Pilihan Varian:1 Warna, 2 Storage Internal, 1 Class Memori
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Ultra-fast, Capture Video and Photos 2x Faster than Typical Memory Cards, and Transfer up to 360 Photos/Minute. Maximize the Storage Capacity of your Advanced Devices and Store Everything from Photos & Songs to HD Video. U1 and Class 10.

Note: Claim garansi harus diserahkan beserta kotak produk dan semua kelengkapan isi di dalamnya.

Capture Faster

Save your precious memories—fast. This Ultra High Speed memory card is UHS-1 enabled, which means it captures photos and video two times faster than your typical microSD.

Transfer Faster

Transfer up to 360 photos per minute. With a transfer speed of up to 48 MB per second, you can spend less time transferring memories, and more time making them.

A Perfect Partner

Get the most out of the latest smart phones, tablets and cameras. This memory card works perfectly with even the most advanced devices to protect your memories for life.

Amazing Capacity

Save up to 37,270 photos, 1,110 minutes of video, and 14,990 songs. Download more media files and apps to your smart phone or tablet. And always know you’ve got plenty of space.

Full HD Video

Capture the moments that matter as vividly as you remember them. Shoot beautiful, Full HD videos that keep each memory safe and sound — and fresh as the day it happened.


Get the most out of the latest smart phones, tablets and cameras. This memory card works perfectly with even the most advanced devices to protect your memories for life.


Samsung Memory Cards can endure temperatures from -25° to 85° Celsius.


Samsung Memory Cards protect your precious data from damage caused by airport X-ray machines.


Samsung Memory Cards can even resist up to 13 times the magnetic force of home theater speakers.

Kelengkapan Produk

Rincian yang Anda dapatkan untuk pembelian produk ini:

  • 1 x Samsung MicroSDHC EVO Class 10 (48MB/s) with SDHC Adapter - MB-MP


Kecepatan Baca
Up To 48mb/s
5.4 X 3.5 X 4.5 Inches
Operating Temperature : -25 C To 85 C non-operating Temperature : -40 C To 85 C


Gambar produk Samsung MicroSDHC EVO Class 10 (48MB/s) with SDHC Adapter - MB-MP 32GB-MB-MP32DA Class 10
Gambar produk Samsung MicroSDHC EVO Class 10 (48MB/s) with SDHC Adapter - MB-MP 32GB-MB-MP32DA Class 10
Gambar produk Samsung MicroSDHC EVO Class 10 (48MB/s) with SDHC Adapter - MB-MP 32GB-MB-MP32DA Class 10


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Respect Jaknot sangat bagus dibanding dengan lazad
Saya sangat tertarik dengan cara order Jaknot dimna pembeli dapat langsung tau pengiriman uang kita sudah diterima oleh Jaknot. Ini merupakan suatu system yang tidak terdapat pada lazada dan rakuten. Saya order procuk ini pd tgl 24 jun 2015 setelah saya transfer uang itu kira2 15menit saya sudah dapat email bawa kiriman saya sudah diterima oleh Jaknot. Dan pada hari yg sm saya juga dapat email bawa pesanan saya sudah dikirim dan juga no resi kiriman. Saya harap cara kerja Jaknot dapat mempertahankan cara kerja seperti ini selamamnya. Yg buat saya sedkit mengecewakan adalah padahal pesanan saya tgl 24 sudah kirim dan saya terima pesanan saya pada tgl 29... Mengenai produk ini saya sempat test backup sdcard saya sebelumnya dan ternyata kecepatannya 17MB/s bukan seperti yang terterah pada produk 48MB/s yang ini membuat saya sedikit kecewa saja.
02 Jul 2015, K*****n
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Membantu (0)
Barangnya bagus, harga lebih murah dibanding toko lain, langsung sy ambil di toko semarang.. Thx to jaknot
16 Jun 2015, D*****i
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Membantu (0)
Ini MicroSD yang bisa dibilang masih bersahabat ma kantong :D Setelah sampai ditangan barangnya, langsung ditest dengan A1 SD Bench, dan hasilnya: - Read 39.22 MB/s - Write 21.73 MB/s Gak nyesel pokoknya :D Thanks Jaknot!
24 Dec 2014, I*****t
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Membantu (0)
Love It!
barang cepat diterima, dan kondisi baik. sejauh ini running well dengan samsung note3. thanks Jaknot!
02 Dec 2014, I*****a
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Samsung MicroSDHC EVO Class 10 (48MB/s) with SDHC Adapter - MB-MP 32GB-MB-MP32DA Class 10 - No Color

4 Ulasan
Pilihan Varian:1 Warna, 2 Storage Internal, 1 Class Memori
Lihat Varian Lainnya

Informasi Stok:jabodetabek
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